Hiking Elephant Hill, Aberdare Ranges via the Njabini Station Gate
Hiking Elephant Hill turned out to be what my body and mind needed. I was able to have the best kind of sleep I have had in a long time and eat actual food. Sometimes I forget to eat or
Hiking Mount Satima (Dragon’s Teeth), Aberdare Ranges
After hiking Rurimeria, I decided to go back to the Aberdares and hike Mount Oldoinyo Le Satima. Mount Satima stands at 4,001m asl and is the highest of the Aberdare Ranges. For the Mount Satima hike, I went with Steri
Discover the Beauty of Lake Ellis on Your Mt Kenya Hike
We left Nairobi at 4:30 am for our Lake Ellis Mt Kenya Hike and arrived at Chogoria at around 9:30 am. Mt Kenya is beautiful. At the KWS offices, you can see the mountain in all its glory. Although you
10 Hikers You’re Most Likely to Meet on Your Hiking Trail
Since I started hiking and travelling around Kenya, I’ve met some interesting people and made some good friends. However, hiking trails do present to us peculiar people with peculiar and sometimes annoying traits. Here are 10 Hikers You're Most Likely to
Mountain Hiking: 9 Things You Should Know
I started hiking in 2021. Instead of starting with beginner trails such as Ngong hills, I started with Kijabe hills and Sleeping Warrior. I quickly moved on to Aberdare Ranges and though these ranges are termed as hills, I would
Balaclavas for Hiking: 7 Things You Should Know
A balaclava is a headgear that is designed to cover the head and face, and only leave the eyes, nose and mouth exposed. It’s also known as a ski mask or balaclava helmet. Balaclavas are used by cyclists, skiers, runners
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Gaiters for Hiking
Hiking Rurimueria Hills was a pain. After 3 or so false summits, we made it to the summit. The hike was beautiful. I’m yet to hike Elephant hill, but I would argue that of all the ranges of the Aberdares,
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Crampons for Hiking Boots
Hiking the Aberdare Ranges made me realize that If I had made it and submitted hills that were 1,000 m less than Mount Kenya, maybe Mt. Kenya doable. Apart from having a week to spare and of course the lack
Hiking Table Mountain, Aberdare Ranges, Kenya
It’s a dream of mine to complete hiking the Aberdare Ranges. After Summiting Mount Satima late last year, I came back to summit Table Mountain. Unlike Satima, Table Mountain has fewer bogs and the trail is less rocky. We were lucky
Hiking Ragia Forest Trails and Chasing Ragia falls
As per Winnie’s Itinerary, we started the journey to Ragia at 5:45 am and arrived at Kinamba, at around 8:30 am. Although Ragia Forest is accessible from Nyandarua county, it lies in the Lari sub-county, Kiambu. It was surprising to